Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What if smack talk were allowed at a spelling bee?


My youngest daughter Olivia took part in the Spelling Bee held at her school yesterday, and she was sharing with me that the students need to be on their best behavior as they wait their turn.  No booing or even cheering.  This made me think...what would smack talk at a Spelling Bee look like?  Here are some of the possibilities I came up with...enjoy!

1)  Spell your word and immediately go to the Tim Tebow pose.
                             Image result for tim tebow pose

2)  Point at different students as you spell out each letter of your word.
              Image result for point finger at someone

3)  Insert an "Oh yeah, I'm the bomb!" after spelling your word.
                 Image result for oh yeah macho man

4)  Spell the word forwards, backwards, and then forwards again.

                            Image result for spelling backwards

5)  Spell the word, then spell its Spanish, French, German, and Chinese versions.

           Image result for bilingual

6)  And finally, sing songs from Queen after spelling each of your words.

    Image result for queen rock band  Image result for another one bites the dust

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